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Averi Torres Biography

A psychic since birth, a professional since 1960, and one of the world's few genuine master psychics, Averi Torres manages long days consulting for people from all walks of life. Averi feels her inner radar, a gift from God/Goddess, comes with a responsibility to be shared with others. The Society for Psychic Research has named Averi one of the top 10 psychics in the world.

Born and raised in Utica, New York, she considers herself a universal spiritualist, being one with the "truth" in all religions. Averi does believe we are all one and connected by a common soul.

Charity is a foundation belief and life long expression upon which Averi and her husband, Dennis, base their existence. For example, in 1983 they founded (and funded) Angel Flight, A nonprofit organization of volunteer private pilots who fly, without charge, people in need of medical treatment to special medical facilities; now, in 2007, a nationwide organization that provides 25,000 flights a year.

Averi has guidance for everyone, from the homeless to world leaders, even other psychics and top spiritual leaders are her clients. Corporate strategy, politics and the environment, along with every personal issue imaginable are routine topics.

An effective communicator, Averi's credits include seminars, radio, television and consultant/teacher to a worldwide clientele. The walls to her beach front Malibu home bear testimony to her success. They are covered with photos of her clients, many signed with laudatory endorsements. Included are two U.S. presidents, several senators and congressman, film and T.V. celebrities, Fortune 500 executives and others who are simply identified by Averi as "ordinary people who are extraordinary to me".

The major focus of a "reading" (consultation) is to help individuals use their own powers to solve problems using metaphysical and spiritual solutions. Daily meditation helps her stay in the present, because she believes that only in the present can we claim our power and create what we want in our lives. Her natural, unique and exclusive lifestyle demonstrates the truth in her ability to make more of this point than words.

Known for many years as "Malibu's Resident Psychic®", Averi believes Malibu (California) is one of the most spiritual places on the planet. When the need to relax arises, Averi, Dennis and adored family member, Spirit (a white Schnoodle which is a miniature schnauzer poodle mix), head for her next most favorite place on the planet, anywhere in nature.

In addition to recently opening Averi's World, an online store carrying sacred jewelry, Averi has been busy recording guided meditation audio tapes and mp3's (also available for sale on her site at ). In the past these have been only available to her intimate, transformative groups. She has also consulted on a television pilot for a major network, featuring her intuitive and communicative abilities, and frequently does radio and television interviews.

For additional information or for in-person and telephone readings, Averi can be reached at 310.457.3157 or by email. Check our homepage for more on Averi's readings


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