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When a well known European singing sensation at the height of her career wanted to break away from her group and go it solo, near panic set in - everybody told her it was too risky. Why take the chance, after all she was a star and making more money than she could have ever dreamed. Thousands of solo acts fail every year. This could be the end of a great career rather than beginning of a new one. A friend came to her rescue.

This friend, the head of a production for one of Hollywood's major studios was at a similar crossroads three years before. He was then the president of the studio's accounting and business unit where he had tasted success and accolades, was making more than a million dollars a year, had as much job security as anyone could as a studio executive, a nice home, car, investment portfolio but he craved more. For several years he told his bosses of his desires but they just pigeonholed him. Should he risk it all, tell them it was now or never, quit if he had to? That's when a friend of his, another industry executive, told him about Averi, Malibu's resident psychic who had helped this friend many times throughout his career.

A professional psychic for nearly 30 years, Averi has counseled clients from all walks of life including two U.S. presidents, corporate 500 executives, world

To do or not to do?


 Malibu's Resident Psychic®, Provides Shakespearean Guidance

 class athletes, celebrities and lots of, as she refers to them, "ordinary people with extraordinary dreams". 

From countries as far away as Latvia, Singapore, South Africa and Australia, they call into her beach front home in Malibu when they have a choice to make or want confirmation of a choice they have made, or they feel something in their life is not working and are not able to identify what it is.

Averi is able to perceive what is happening around them, perhaps in areas they are not able to identify and give them some practical ways of dealing with these issues so they can make wise decisions and choices to 

move forward into greater happiness in their lives.

"I also energize them" she says, "because, when people are stressed and there's a lot going on in their lives and it's weighting heavy on their shoulders,  sometimes even taking that first step is difficult. I give them the energy to be able to get off to a good running start."

"The results are always positive and life enhancing", Averi says, "though not necessarily as spectacular as the solo career of that former group singer which has hit platinum (and she since married and has a new baby), and that studio executive who in less than two years received a multimillion dollar bonus and saw one of his films nominated for an academy award."


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