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The City Scene

August 2000

Averi Torres: Psychic to Presidents, Corporate Moguls and Movie Stars

High on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean in her bright sunlit living room, Averi Torres sits on her overstuffed couch, with a knowing smile and twinkling bright eyes. Well known as Malibu's favorite psychic in residence, Torres has given readings to thousands of seekers, including: two recent U.S. presidents, senators, congressmen, Fortune 500 executives film and TV celebrities along with lots of ordinary folk worldwide.

C/S: Many have called you accurate and astounding. Would you cite one or two predictions that you've made for clients?
AT: Through the years there have been many, but one that comes to mind was when I called a client a few hours before her trip and advised her not to take TWA flight 800. Fortunately for her, she cancelled her flight. As you know it did crash. Also, in January 2000, I was quoted in a Malibu Times interview stating biotechnology would lead the market in the first half of this year and it did.

C/S: You have said that you brought your profession into the sunlight. What do you mean?
AT: Years ago to call oneself a psychic was to be viewed as eerie and strange. I wanted to create a respectable business and I have done that. I have empowered thousands of clients to create their visions. While I can see the future, I do believe in free will. I do believe people have the ability to change what I see. For instance, if someone is headed for a divorce, I can see that if they do certain things, they can change the outcome. In business, it's easy to speed up time by intuiting and through the insights avoid pitfalls.

C/S: How and when did you find your inner voice and your gifts of prophecy?
AT: (Laughs) Early on I thought I was strange. I was always able to see the truth and not the illusion that some people project. But, it was when I left my parents home in upstate New York and moved to New York City, that I discovered the word psychic.

C/S: How did your parents perceive you and did they acknowledge your psychic abilities?
AT: My father said, on the day I was two days old, I turned myself around in the crib. He marveled that I had so much energy. However, he first took me seriously when I called to tell him I was concerned that his father was going to have a heart attack in his office. At that moment my grandfather walked into his office and my father had to put down the phone to catch him as he fell to the floor. My grandfather died in his arms while I was holding on the phone. That was a hard one for me to experience.

C/S: What about your mother?
AT: My mother was afraid I would get hurt and tried to hide my abilities, but privately she told those close to her that if this were a different time, I would be considered a prophet.

C/S: You worked for a time as a legal secretary in New York, and then as a secretary as assistant to producers of shows like, "Wild, Wild, West," "My Three sons" and "Family Affair" in Hollywood. What brought you to the West Coast?
AT: I was drawn to Los Angeles. This is where I met my husband. I went to lunch with a friend one day at Barney's Beanery. At the time, Barney was alive and would feed the starving artists and actors (chili and beans). My friend and I sat at a family style table next to a young man. He (Dennis Torres) and I started talking. We are still talking, 31 years later.

C/S: How does he feel about your work?
AT: He had never believed in psychics. One day a waitress came over to our table and I spontaneously told her not to worry that her child was going to be okay and her husband was going to get a certain job. Shaken by my spontaneous insights, she was quite pale when she walked away. After a few years of that sort of thing, he became my biggest fan and still is.

C/S: How long have your been reading professionally?
AT: Since 1960, but something very unusual started happening to me in 1974. A kind of wisdom started flowing through me and it wouldn't stop! I couldn't stop giving my friends and people at the office insights. When I walked into a supermarket the energy was like static, which I would pick up and was overwhelming. It wouldn't go away. I finally said okay, God's will be done and I decided to do readings full time.

C/S: What do you see in the immediate future for Los Angeles?
AT: It's very exciting! Los Angeles will still be the entertainment center of the world, but it will be virtual reality. Entertainment on command! I love the new technology because it is creating a global heart. Y2K made people aware of computers and how connected we are globally.

C/S: What do you do when you have a personal problem?
AT: There is only the present moment. It is in this moment that we are creating the future. Anytime I have a problem, I go within, in the moment, and that is where my answers and my peace can come from.

C/S: Is there anything special you would like to communicate to our readers as we conclude this interview?
AT: Yes, I want to say that the power of light is greater than the force of darkness. That there is a lot of love available all over the world. Even the Internet is creating wonderful worldwide connections of the heart, mind and soul. Love is going to reach people who thought they were unlovable. Love is here. People just have to let love in, open the doors.

Averi Torres can be reached at (310) 457-1165 or email

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