I have made a huge personal & career change. I have left my job and my husband & I are trying to start up a business. I left my job 4 weeks ago due to many factors at my place of employment. My husband & I bought into a franchise to open up our own business. This has been a dream of mine, to work for myself. To be able to control my own destiny. Create a work environment for others that is pleasant & rewarding and to be able to give back to my community in anyway that I can. After buying into the franchise, we have been unsuccessful in obtaining financing. We did hire a broker who is working on this for us right now to try & get us the financing we so desperately need. After many sleepless nights & praying, I know that I have to put this in God's hands & pray that he comes through for us. I just ask that everyone pray for us please. I know that whatever happens is in God's hands & I must accept that. I would like nothing more than to have

Thank You & God Bless,
Thank you, lisa