Recently, a nationally known and acclaimed psychic who appears on television regularly (not Averi) has begun to validate the experiences of so called alien abductees AND to imply that aliens (I mean space aliens) who look very humanoid actually live among us humans. I'm curious what other people think of this. Years ago, Ingo Swan, a psychic that was actually trained to remote view by the US government, claimed in a book he wrote that he was aware of very humanoid aliens walking around and living amongst humans. I pointed this book out to Averi at the time and she thought it was interesting. I've been told a time or two that I am also psychic, but I've NEVER sensed that I was close to any being that was anything other than 100% human.

I'm a little suspicious and a little tempted to believe and I'll share why. If you look at human history, in general, and look at the technological advancements of the human race in the last 100 years specifically, I'm tempted to think that something could be up. The Romans had a certain amount of technological sophistication, but then thousands of years passed with very little technological advancement. But the past 100 years have been mind blowing with technological advancements! Silly of me to think that perhaps souped up alien minds are in part for shoving the human race forward technologically? Maybe....
