Please pray for my mother! Many heartfelt thanks from the bottom of my heart! Hi! This is a prayer request. I am a Christian. I hope that you would pray for my mother who is in intensive care room of the hospital. She suddenly felt pain on 9th October and got into the hospital. Suddenly, her health turned into a big problem. We are so devastated to know. She is suffering from the heart disease, kidney failure and liver problem. She cannot speak now because she cannot breath and has to breath with the help of the life support. I know this situaition. I came back immediately from abroad. I immigrated into another country for reunion with my wife for 4 months. I am so regretful to leave my mother. My mother has to take care of my 36 years old little brother who is mental retared. During my mother's lifetime, she had so much pain. In 2000, we lost my father. In 2001, she was knocked down by a car and she hurted seriously and recovered . In 2002, her leg had to be cut off due to diabetes. She had to go through a lot of painful operations, at least 5-6 times of cutting her leg. My mother is my second important life. God is my number one. Please pray for my mother. We are nearly nervous breakdown. Your prayer to God that I believe will be rewarded by the one above, my God, Jesus Christ. In my life, I had so many setbacks and failures, I will not cry but while I see my mother in this situation, I cry. I promise to spend the rest of my life to live with my mother and make my mother feel happy. I am so regretful to leave my mother and find that my mother is in a critical condition. I pray there is a miracle happening to my mother and send good doctors and nurses to take care of my mother. Many heartfelt thanks to you from my bottom of my heart. My mother is Wong Sau Wah and yours truly, Daniel Yip May God bless us all!
