I have made so many mistakes by choosing my own path-or at least not listening as I should have to God.I just keep on doing myself harm.
Please let me know if I am on the right path with Tom or Mark or neither or if Im not. I am scared to death that I am making more mistakes and I will wind up getting even more hurt. I desperately want love in my life, someone who loves me in every single way and doesnt want to change me and someone I love back, someone who is my friend and lover. Someone I am completely and wholey in love with in every single way. Is Mark the right one or is Tom the right one? Or is neither the right one? Let me know ASAP please, please-If one or the other or both are not right, take them out of my life without hurt.Help me make the right decisions finally not only for love but for every aspect, I am single with no one I particularly talk to and need a bit of extra help from God. I am so grateful for my health,my beautiful kitties and being able to have a roof over my head, eat and my job. Thank you for keeping me and the ones I love safe and protected. Thank you for being the one thing in my life I can trust. Help me please