For the inspiration of des to do the right thing and let craig go but let
him remain in j's life, to find happiness with her new man and please pray for contact from Craig soon and help to pray for my love Craig, a
wonderful, loving and deserving man and dad who has been mislead.
please pray
for the truth to be revealed to him and for him to gain the insight,
strenght, courage and faith (in god, himself and me) to walk away from
woman (who does not love him, who has trapped him with lies, is using
him and cheating on him), a situation and a relationship that make him
truly miserable, depressed and very unhappy. Pray for his realization
that he has a right and deserves to be happy, love and be loved and
he has the obligation to get out of the situation not only for himself
but also for the child involved (not determined yet if it is his
biological son, chances are 99.9% that it is not, however he loves the
guy with all his heart) and that only if he fulfills his obligation to
himself that his son will be truly happy and healthy and grow up to be
a wonderful young man like his dad and have the chance for a wonderful family himself one day. Pray for Craig and me to come together,
for Craig to accept his feelings for me, to accept my love my help and
shoulder and strenght to help him and his son through and out of the
situation and for them to have a blessed relationship and family.
Please pray he makes the step towards me soon so we can start healing
together and be strong for each other and that we will be joined in
holy matrimony, be a family with his son and be blessed eternally.
Please pray for all obstacles, negativitiy, delays and fears to be
from and around Craig and between Craig and me.
I thank you and god bless you for all you do!!
