Dear Averi, I am very hurt over a relationship. I know we have to be strong but I cant be strong anymore. The person has and continues to hurt me and I dont know why. I have not done anything to him....why? Can you please tell me or help me? I cry while he smiles and yet he does not even care how I am doing...he gives time to others after years of me being by his side. He treats me simply like I am nothing...when and how will I make him nothing to me...and when can I ever treat him like he treats me? He hurts me so much because I love him and I get sick when I think of how it was. I am so scared I really need you. Please help him to explain to me why he left me and to not be so mean to me anymore but to realize who I am and that I care and who he had.. Please help me and thank you so much. God Bless you.