Hello everyone I'm new. I really like this topic a lot.
The reason why it interest me like it do because I have my experiences. I'm not saying that I'm psychic or anything.
Things that I have experienced were in my dreams. While dreaming, these things were actually happening. I also remember when i was around the age of 6-9.
I didnt stay with my parents. I and my sister lived my uncle. We were heading to town. We hadn't seen our mother in maybe a week or two. As we headed on down the road. I had these strong feelings and connections to her not being where she should be.
I told me sister, " I think momma's in jail." Sure enough when we made it to town. I asked my step dad where was my mom. And thats when he told me that she was in jail.
I don't understand it until this day. i never really talked to anyone about it.
But from these things that I encountered I truly do believe its possible. NO DOUBTS!!! ;D