Right from my childhood, i have seen the forces of evil slowly but steadily destroying my family.We were forced into pain and misery by our jealous landlords who were renownded black magicians and sorcerers.In the process we lost everything,.the love within us, our friends and relatives, our hopes and the will to live and fight along in life.Slowly our family got broken and we were plunged into darkness.But i never lost faith,..i prayed to the almighty Lord,preached his name and took his gospel to many souls who never knew who jesus was.But this never stopped the disintegration.The poverty and helplessnes in us became more evident each passing day,and i felt the Lord never even knew we existed. Today,i have a broken home,a falsely tarnished name in the society,and no one even cares for us.Im the only earning member in my family,unable to even provide myself a decent job to support my ailing family.I have cried up to heavens, tore my heart out to the Lord and askd for help..pray for us!
