MY wife Tara and I have been separated for going on 10 months and going through a divorce which I dont want.  We have a 3 year old daughter and the reason we first separated had mostly to do with financial issues and small things that added up over the 4 years we were together.  Shortly after separating we both took the wrong path and she got seriously involved with a married man who is very wealth also going through a divorce.  4 months later they were engaged and 4 months after that she was pregnant but had a miscarriage. She didnt file divorce paperwork on me till Sept. 2 of 07 and we are still going through it. Through this entire time she has been back and forth with wanting to work things out with me and as soon as she does this guy buys her something or promises her the world.  He buys her anything and everything and is providing the life style most dream of.  I cant; I am only a police officer who doesnt make a lot.  When we first got together I had nothing and she was fine with that.  She came from money in her family and previous relationships so this is nothing new.  I know if his guy wasnt in the picture we could have are family back together.  I have forgiven her for everything she has done during this time.  I love her more than anything and all I want is my family back. She always uses to say money doesnt buy happiness and was the most caring person which I took for granted.  I pray that she goes back to her old self and realizes what she is doing is wrong and wants to put her family back together.  I have not lost hope and I would really appreciate any prays for my family being reunited.  Thank You, James